Thursday, 25 February 2010

Animated Alphabet

For the animated alphabet brief, we were asked to invent, film and animate a animated alphabet. It had to be completely original and hand rendered. After effects or similar software could only be used to edit the footage and merge it together. 
I used coins to create my alphabet, covering them in tipex and hand writing each letter onto both sides. The choice of tipex was due to a series of tests i did beforehand, showing that things such as paint, vinyl or spray paint reduce the coins spinning time in half, whereas tipex only slowed the coins by 0.04 of a second on average.
I used 1p coins for small letters, 2p coins for caps and 5p coins for punctuation and numbers.
We also had to create a sound for the animation, for which i recorded the coins sliding down a piece of cardboard. I sped the recording up by 2000x and reversed it to give the odd fluttery effect.

Sunday, 14 February 2010

West Lindsey District Council Breastfeeding Campaign

West Lindsey District Council Advertised for a graphic designer to put together some ideas for window stickers to be displayed in participating cafe's showing that they are breastfeeding friendly. this is a new campaign to try and encourage more mothers to breastfeed, as most feel uncomfortable doing it in public.

Vicki Slinger from WLDC responded to me quickly informing me that my designs hadn't been chosen, however they were very interested and will be in contact in the future.