Thursday, 25 February 2010

Animated Alphabet

For the animated alphabet brief, we were asked to invent, film and animate a animated alphabet. It had to be completely original and hand rendered. After effects or similar software could only be used to edit the footage and merge it together. 
I used coins to create my alphabet, covering them in tipex and hand writing each letter onto both sides. The choice of tipex was due to a series of tests i did beforehand, showing that things such as paint, vinyl or spray paint reduce the coins spinning time in half, whereas tipex only slowed the coins by 0.04 of a second on average.
I used 1p coins for small letters, 2p coins for caps and 5p coins for punctuation and numbers.
We also had to create a sound for the animation, for which i recorded the coins sliding down a piece of cardboard. I sped the recording up by 2000x and reversed it to give the odd fluttery effect.

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